Welcome to my blog. I post things that I feel must be said. I will post Prayer Requests when I find them. I will try to do my best to be a good blogger and will try to not step on too many toes. May God bless all that visit with me.THE BLOG IS THE SAME ONLY THE NAME WAS CHANGED,TO PROTECT THE SILLINESS! (With a Nod To Dragnet)

San Francisco Skyline
The Blogger's Prayer
Thursday, April 10, 2008
what a day
Now I was going to go visit some of the blogs that I visit and I just feel so depressed that I'm doing this posting and shutting down the computer,maybe tomarrow I'll start the two days it takes to make the rounds of all my neighbors,or does it three days to visit everybody??
Welcome to Golch Central where comments are welcome.This blog DOES NOT ALLOW ANONYMOUS COMMENTS.Comment moderation has been enabled.All comments must be approved by the blog author. That being said, go ahead and make my day! Leave me a comment, even it you leave a negative one. The only comments that will be deleted are spammers and PERSONEL ATTACKS ON ME!!! I answer your comments, so if you want to see what I said come back for a visit. Be kind and NO SPAM or PERSONEL ATTACKS THOSE COMMENTS WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY ON THIS BLOG! As always I'm grateful that you stopped by. 🙂
Take care of yourself. We'll be around when you're feeling better.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. It has to be the pits!
ReplyDeleteTravis,thank you,I'm doing the best that I can.it is just there times that the depression that started in the service gets the best of me even though I'm on medication for this.
ReplyDeleteDawn it is the pits,I have been liveing in this monster of a world for a long time. I have two choises as i see make the best of it as you can or the other option is not the solution.
I am sorry you are not feeling well Mike. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteThanks mysti.
ReplyDeleteHang in there Mike, we weill be here when you are up to it. I haven't been posting much anyway, due to my own stinking depression. I understand that for sure.
ReplyDeleteSojourner,the sad thing is I don't even want to go and visit my friends like your self.
ReplyDeleteMike Honey, I am so sorry. I wish that there was something that I could do for you. I can pray for you and I WILL!
Jennifer,thank you for keeping me in your prayers.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you had a seizure and you are feeling bad. I know that has to be hard dealing with that. My friend Henrietta had a seizure also last Thursday. They take so much out of you. I hope you are feeling better, and thank you so much for the award, that is so sweet of you. By the way do you like blue grass music? I know that is sort of odd to ask, but my brother-in-law plays blue grass, and I thought you might like his music.