San Francisco Skyline

San Francisco Skyline
I've been in my own boat sitting out in this water looking at this view. Awesome!-Sandee. This is a Tip of The Hat to Sandee, my Co-Author and blog wizard.

The Blogger's Prayer

Lord help me to learn to spell without spellcheck, manage to visit all that visit me, and post regularly - all in 5 minutes a day, so that I can clean house and take care of my family. Help me to not look at every occurrence in my life as a blog post, and to quit taking pictures of weird things to share as well. Please Lord, help me to stop talking about my blog friends as though they are next door neighbors or someone I have known all of my life. And help me dear Lord, to think of something witty and wise to post tomorrow.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Mind Games. (those that do not learn form the past.......)

this is a posting and a Warning for everybody that may find themselves doing this and not realizing that they are doing so.
first of all I will say this,I love my Parents,and Grand Parents. NOW comes the part that I will talk about playing mind games and using children as tools of those games!!! Both my Grand Mothers were playing a game of lets turn the oldest child against their parents. The sad part is that my Dad's Mom and my Mom's Mom did this.It is the same game that parents do that are going through a divorce do.Now here is the kicker.My mom pulled the game game on my brother in law as well.
Please for the sake of your Children and Grand Children do not I repeat do not play these games.It will scar the children, and for what your own self satisfaction???
I write this post because of the post that Grandy wrote today on her blog.

The song mind games come to mind,with a nod to John Lennon!


  1. Those sort of mind games are unforgiveable - using children as pawns!

  2. True,but unfortunaly the adults do not see the harm they are doing to the kids,they just want to "get even at all costs"
    believe me,I know the scars of those games quite well.I love my Parents and both of my Grand Mothers.(my grand fathers were long gone from the picture)I just cannot get over being used the way I was.


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