Yesterday 1:52 PM Cleveland Time I called them because my comoputer failed to install updates from Microsoft. after downloading ans installing the updates the computer said to restart the computer and that's when the "FUN" started, the updates faile to install and I got this message" Failure Configuring Windows Updates Reverting Changes Donot Not Turn off your computer" this cycle happened three times,before I ended up shutting down the computer and forcing the computer into recovery mode. after I got the computer restored to the factory settings I called Microsoft to complain about the windows update.I was told I would recieve a call back real soom from a level 2 tech, at 4:50 PM I was told that the tech would be calling me back within 10 minuites,he never did. so after having dinner and haveing a couple arguements with the better half on how i did something wrong and caused the problem. so at 6:00pm I called them back again and was finally put intouch with the technicial that was supposed to call me back,he did a few things and than told windows update to check for update there were 85 of them,afer downloading and installing the updates all wheile the tech was remotely monitoring my computer,the update failed to install the second time,finally it was 10:00 pm and I told the tech I was tiered and needed to go to bed,he asked what would be a good time to call me back I told him between Noon and 1 Pm,I am still waiting and it is almost dinner time. GRRR!!!!!!

Welcome to my blog. I post things that I feel must be said. I will post Prayer Requests when I find them. I will try to do my best to be a good blogger and will try to not step on too many toes. May God bless all that visit with me.THE BLOG IS THE SAME ONLY THE NAME WAS CHANGED,TO PROTECT THE SILLINESS! (With a Nod To Dragnet)

San Francisco Skyline
The Blogger's Prayer
Monday, June 09, 2014
it's been a rough 2 days here.
Yesterday 1:52 PM Cleveland Time I called them because my comoputer failed to install updates from Microsoft. after downloading ans installing the updates the computer said to restart the computer and that's when the "FUN" started, the updates faile to install and I got this message" Failure Configuring Windows Updates Reverting Changes Donot Not Turn off your computer" this cycle happened three times,before I ended up shutting down the computer and forcing the computer into recovery mode. after I got the computer restored to the factory settings I called Microsoft to complain about the windows update.I was told I would recieve a call back real soom from a level 2 tech, at 4:50 PM I was told that the tech would be calling me back within 10 minuites,he never did. so after having dinner and haveing a couple arguements with the better half on how i did something wrong and caused the problem. so at 6:00pm I called them back again and was finally put intouch with the technicial that was supposed to call me back,he did a few things and than told windows update to check for update there were 85 of them,afer downloading and installing the updates all wheile the tech was remotely monitoring my computer,the update failed to install the second time,finally it was 10:00 pm and I told the tech I was tiered and needed to go to bed,he asked what would be a good time to call me back I told him between Noon and 1 Pm,I am still waiting and it is almost dinner time. GRRR!!!!!!
Welcome to Golch Central where comments are welcome.This blog DOES NOT ALLOW ANONYMOUS COMMENTS.Comment moderation has been enabled.All comments must be approved by the blog author. That being said, go ahead and make my day! Leave me a comment, even it you leave a negative one. The only comments that will be deleted are spammers and PERSONEL ATTACKS ON ME!!! I answer your comments, so if you want to see what I said come back for a visit. Be kind and NO SPAM or PERSONEL ATTACKS THOSE COMMENTS WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY ON THIS BLOG! As always I'm grateful that you stopped by. 🙂
Yikes, they probably already forgot about you Mike. You're going to have to call them back. Perhaps tomorrow after your nap? That way they can watch what's going on for longer than yesterday. I hope you get this straightened out soon.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous day.
Sandee,the email they sent me said thet would call back between 4 and 5 I waited untill almost 6 pm and that started aeating my dinner,no sooner than I did they called me at 6pm,I told them that i was having dinner and asked that they call me back in a half hour. I am still waiting.they will have 10 more minuites and than I will be calling them.