Welcome to my blog. I post things that I feel must be said. I will post Prayer Requests when I find them. I will try to do my best to be a good blogger and will try to not step on too many toes. May God bless all that visit with me.THE BLOG IS THE SAME ONLY THE NAME WAS CHANGED,TO PROTECT THE SILLINESS! (With a Nod To Dragnet)

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The Blogger's Prayer
Monday, March 23, 2009
A post script.if I did not have the seizures I could be seen tomarrow and have this fixed.since most dentists do not want to deal with me I have to go to metro hospitals dental clinic and so I have to wait until next week. at the eairlest.
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Will they be able to fix it? Does it hurt? That is really bad luck. :(
ReplyDeleteI will find out next week.It does not hutr because the part that broke off does not have any nerves exposed.it is just an ittitating feeling on the back of my lip where it touches the tooth.I just hate that I can not do to the dentist that did the work originally because he does not want to deal with my seizures.
ReplyDeleteI hope you can get this fixed soon Mike. I hate it when teeth have issues. It's a drag for sure.
ReplyDeleteHave a great evening. Big hug. :)
we will just have to wait and see.
ReplyDeleteOh no! I'm so sorry to hear. I hope this week flies by so you can been seen. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteSandy C.Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThat's a shame that you can't go to a regular dentist.
ReplyDeleteTravis,this is true,where I go now it is not covered by my dental coverage so it costs me more to get the normal things done.
ReplyDeleteHope your chompers feel better soon!
I'm glad you didn't swallow it.
ReplyDeleteA blog friend has a tooth who is aching for months and she didn't have money. Only this week she will finally be able to go to the dentist.
I wrote a post on dental care at the other blog.
I'm glad you will have it done next week.
Sara,thank you.
ReplyDeleteAna,the agrevating thing is that I have dental insurance and because of the seizures i am being told that the dentisit hat are in my plan refuse to treat me.
My sympathies! Going to the dentist isn't my favourite occupation, but at least I know they will treat me if I need it.
ReplyDeleteThat is a bummer for sure. I don't know what good dental insurance is if you can't use it.
ReplyDeleteSheila,I used to enjoy going to the dentist,but now that I have to gout of network I hate it.
ReplyDeleteCliff,at least my wife is taken care in in network.I hate being descrimated against just because I have a health issue.
Oh no, what a disaster! I hope you get it fixed without too much trouble.
ReplyDeleteAkelamalu,let's hope so.
ReplyDeleteThat is a MAJOR bummer. I hate when something goes wrong with my teeth. Hope you are able to get it fixed very soon.
I also wanted to say hi and apologize for disappearing for so long. I think I have my head straight now and am back to stay. I really, really missed all of you guys.
Tamara,I can understand about not having your head on strait.Been there way too many times myself.