Welcome to my blog. I post things that I feel must be said. I will post Prayer Requests when I find them. I will try to do my best to be a good blogger and will try to not step on too many toes. May God bless all that visit with me.THE BLOG IS THE SAME ONLY THE NAME WAS CHANGED,TO PROTECT THE SILLINESS! (With a Nod To Dragnet)

San Francisco Skyline
The Blogger's Prayer
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Prayers for my blog friends.
I have another prayer request for my sister, her husband, and my niece Carly. Carly has been getting progressively worse lately, and either this week or next she will have a very long surgery (15 hours) to remove the rest of the tumor. More info is at her blog.
Thanks Mike. I really appreciate that you post prayer requests and help people in this way, especially at a time when I feel so helpless to be able to do something for them.this is from Yertle
The next comes from Karen.
.My Dear friends,
Sorry I haven't been blogging much, but hubby came home Friday afternoon and I had to take him to the sdoctor. He had hurt his back Wednesday night . they took X-rays and he just sprained it real bad. They gave him some anti-inflammatory pills, muscle relaxers, and paid meds to take for it. They told him not to lift anything heavy and just to lay around and take it easy. Today, I went to the Cardiologist and he is wanting to do a Heart Catheriazation tomorrow (25th) my Birhthday to see if there is any blockage. I am going in in the morning at 6:00a.m.CST as an outpatient and I may have to spend the night, just dependint on what the test shows tomorrow. I ask that you all please be in prayer for me as I have this procedure done. i AM very nervous a bout having it done. Just pray that the outcome is good. If not, I may have to hav stints put in he said. I would really appreciate your prayers very much. Me and hubb y won't be going to Branson, MO, now since I am h having this donebut the girls are still going with my parents and Sister. Remember them in your prayers also for safe traveling there on Thursday and on the way home sunday. I will be away from the computer for a few days and just as soon as I am able, I will let everyone know how things went. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and may GOD Bless each and everyone of you.
Lets keep these family in our prayers as well as go to the sites and offer some morale support.Thank you one and all.Mike G.said that!
Welcome to Golch Central where comments are welcome.This blog DOES NOT ALLOW ANONYMOUS COMMENTS.Comment moderation has been enabled.All comments must be approved by the blog author. That being said, go ahead and make my day! Leave me a comment, even it you leave a negative one. The only comments that will be deleted are spammers and PERSONEL ATTACKS ON ME!!! I answer your comments, so if you want to see what I said come back for a visit. Be kind and NO SPAM or PERSONEL ATTACKS THOSE COMMENTS WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY ON THIS BLOG! As always I'm grateful that you stopped by. 🙂
Count it done. We need each other.
ReplyDeletePrayers in progress for one and all Mike.
ReplyDeleteHave a terrific day. Big hug. :)
Thanks so much Mike. I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteWanda's Wings,that you,and yes we all do need each other.
ReplyDeleteSandee,thank you as well.
Nicci,I'm glad to do it for you and Kaenr.I know that you would do the same for me when I need the prayers.