Welcome to my blog. I post things that I feel must be said. I will post Prayer Requests when I find them. I will try to do my best to be a good blogger and will try to not step on too many toes. May God bless all that visit with me.THE BLOG IS THE SAME ONLY THE NAME WAS CHANGED,TO PROTECT THE SILLINESS! (With a Nod To Dragnet)

San Francisco Skyline
The Blogger's Prayer
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
prayers for a famly member.
I have had a bad enough day today( alot of seizures) them to find this out,it is a little much to take. I am very depressed over this.it is times like these thatI feel like "crawling into a bottle" and not come out.So I guess I need prayers for him and me as well.
Welcome to Golch Central where comments are welcome.This blog DOES NOT ALLOW ANONYMOUS COMMENTS.Comment moderation has been enabled.All comments must be approved by the blog author. That being said, go ahead and make my day! Leave me a comment, even it you leave a negative one. The only comments that will be deleted are spammers and PERSONEL ATTACKS ON ME!!! I answer your comments, so if you want to see what I said come back for a visit. Be kind and NO SPAM or PERSONEL ATTACKS THOSE COMMENTS WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY ON THIS BLOG! As always I'm grateful that you stopped by. 🙂
I know you won't crawl into a bottle, but I so know what you mean. Prayers in progress honey. These are tough times for so many.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and yours Mike. Big hug. :)
Sandee,I just do not know if I won't do that.I'm so depressed with having a really bad day of seizures and than finding out that my cousin is going through this.I just having an extremely bad day.Oh well back to the five minuite at a time program.
ReplyDeleteLet us at their most difficult times for them to pray and hope that they can tide over their difficulties.
ReplyDeleteHealth information
Humor & Fun World
Hi ~ Sending prayers and positive thoughts to all of you. :)
ReplyDeleteSkwind and deb,thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am headed in that direction too ... really tough out there.
ReplyDeleteHug from Speedcat, and I will send one of my Mongo burgers over.
Mike G, I do come by here almost daily. I sometimes forget there are blogs underneath all the pretty stuff
ReplyDeleteI'm going to bed soon, and will certainlt pray for you and Karen and Yertl, and Carli. I do my best praying just before climbing in.
Thanks for dropping by, Mike.
Mike, thank you for sharing. Prayers are on there way. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteGot ya covered my friend. . remember this too shall pass:)Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteSending prayers and positive thoughts for all of you. I am sorry this is a rough time, and I hope your day gets better.
ReplyDeleteSpeedcat,thanks for the hug and the burger!
ReplyDeleteSteveroni,thanks for the support.hugs and prayers you way as well.
Deb,thats what I'm trying to do,the alternative is not that pretty.
Nicci,thank you as well.
I am so sorry. I will remember both of you in prayer. Times are really hard and people are hurting. I hate to see others in pain.
ReplyDeleteYou'll be on my prayers as well as your cousin.
Hope you get better soon.
Ana,thanks for the prayers for My Cousin and I.the seizures just come and go some days I have none and other days a lot of them.My neiraligist say that we are using the right medication for my circumstances,but there is so much about the brain that they donot know or understand.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, Mike. You have come so far, and what you do with all your prayer requests touches so many. You are making a difference, it's just hard to see it sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHang in there!
Sending hugs and prayers your way. :)
Grandy,thank you for those kind remarks.
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry to hear about the problems Keith and his family are having and your seizures as well. You are all in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteMountain woman,thank you.The seizures come and go.I just hope that Keith and his family can cope with this.